v e r a m a k i n a c s á s z á r

Born in Budapest, Hungary
1994 - 1998 High School of Art and Craft (graphic art section)
2007 Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata (Italy) (sculpture and painting section)
2004 - 2009 Hungarian University of Fine Arts (graphic art section)
Solo exhibitions:
1995 Rét Gallery (Budapest)
1996 Csók Gallery (Budapest)
2006 Origo Gallery
2012 Könyvtár Gallery (Nyíregyháza)
2014 L'Oeil Ouvert Gallery (Paris)
Group exhibitions:
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 MKA (Hungarian Culture Foundation, Budapest)
1999 Nádor Gallery (Budapest)
2000 Headquarters of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)
2001 Nyíregyháza, Prague, Kolmar, Ingolstadt, Burgenland, Berlin
2002 Salgótarján, National Drawing Biennal
2003 Duna Gallery (Budapest), Budapest Gallery (Budapest), Keve Gallery (Ráckeve)
2005 Hungarian Cultural Institute of Rome (Rome), Vízivárosi Gallery (Budapest)
2006 Csók Gallery (Budapest)
2007 Collegium Hungaricum (Vienna), Macerata, L'Orto dei Cappuccini (Morrovalle)
2008 24th Triennial Exhibition of Graphic Art, Miskolc
2009 MKE „Best of Diploma” (Budapest), József Attila Klub (Budapest), Keve Gallery (Ráckeve)
2010 Karton Gallery (Budapest), Kempinsky Gallery (Budapest)
2011 25th Triennial Exhibition of Graphic Art (Miskolc), Kondor Béla Gallery (Budapest),
National Spring Exhibition (Salgótarján), 58th Autumn Exhibition (Hódmezővásárhely),
International Woodcut Workshop and Exhibition (Nyíregyháza)
2012 Torony Gallery (Sopron), Vízivárosi Gallery (Budapest)
2013 Savannah Center for Fine Art (Savannah, U.S.), Württembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart)
1998 Rékassy Award
1998, 1999 Prizes of the Ministry of Culture on the Hungarian Satirical & Caricature Art Festival
2000 Prize of the fellowartists’ on the Hungarian Satirical & Caricature Art Festival
2001 Prize of the Association of Hungarian Creative Artists'
2008 Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic
2009 Visual Artist’s Prize of the town of Ráckeve
Association of Hungarian Creative Artists
Society of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists
Association of Hungarian Journalists
Atelier Bo Halbirk, Paris
Works in public collection:
Museum of Nograd County Region
Artist-in-residence program:
2013 Paris, 59 Rivoli
1994 - 1998 High School of Art and Craft (graphic art section)
2007 Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata (Italy) (sculpture and painting section)
2004 - 2009 Hungarian University of Fine Arts (graphic art section)
Solo exhibitions:
1995 Rét Gallery (Budapest)
1996 Csók Gallery (Budapest)
2006 Origo Gallery
2012 Könyvtár Gallery (Nyíregyháza)
2014 L'Oeil Ouvert Gallery (Paris)
Group exhibitions:
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 MKA (Hungarian Culture Foundation, Budapest)
1999 Nádor Gallery (Budapest)
2000 Headquarters of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)
2001 Nyíregyháza, Prague, Kolmar, Ingolstadt, Burgenland, Berlin
2002 Salgótarján, National Drawing Biennal
2003 Duna Gallery (Budapest), Budapest Gallery (Budapest), Keve Gallery (Ráckeve)
2005 Hungarian Cultural Institute of Rome (Rome), Vízivárosi Gallery (Budapest)
2006 Csók Gallery (Budapest)
2007 Collegium Hungaricum (Vienna), Macerata, L'Orto dei Cappuccini (Morrovalle)
2008 24th Triennial Exhibition of Graphic Art, Miskolc
2009 MKE „Best of Diploma” (Budapest), József Attila Klub (Budapest), Keve Gallery (Ráckeve)
2010 Karton Gallery (Budapest), Kempinsky Gallery (Budapest)
2011 25th Triennial Exhibition of Graphic Art (Miskolc), Kondor Béla Gallery (Budapest),
National Spring Exhibition (Salgótarján), 58th Autumn Exhibition (Hódmezővásárhely),
International Woodcut Workshop and Exhibition (Nyíregyháza)
2012 Torony Gallery (Sopron), Vízivárosi Gallery (Budapest)
2013 Savannah Center for Fine Art (Savannah, U.S.), Württembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart)
1998 Rékassy Award
1998, 1999 Prizes of the Ministry of Culture on the Hungarian Satirical & Caricature Art Festival
2000 Prize of the fellowartists’ on the Hungarian Satirical & Caricature Art Festival
2001 Prize of the Association of Hungarian Creative Artists'
2008 Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic
2009 Visual Artist’s Prize of the town of Ráckeve
Association of Hungarian Creative Artists
Society of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists
Association of Hungarian Journalists
Atelier Bo Halbirk, Paris
Works in public collection:
Museum of Nograd County Region
Artist-in-residence program:
2013 Paris, 59 Rivoli